Kareem Law APC

Which types of financial crimes are there? Know from our Financial Crime lawyer CA.

In California, financial crime is the type of crime that is least well-known. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, what is financial crime in California then you must grasp that is a crime conduct that refers to unlawful money-related actions such as tax evasion, money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement that are done to make money. This type of crime occurs when people or organizations pursue illegal financial gain. Greed, desperate financial situations, or chances to take advantage of structural weaknesses are frequently the causes. Section 186.2 of the California laws describes several different types of financial crime offenses that are still in effect in the state. Additionally, you must be aware of the many financial crimes that exist in California before you can take the proper legal action against such offenses by hiring the top financial crime lawyer from Kareem Law APC.

From a criminal defense attorney learn about the financial crimes that are active in California:

  • Identity theft: It signifies the stealing of personal information, including Social Security numbers or bank account details, to commit fraud. Victims experience severe disruptions in their personal lives in addition to grave financial losses.
  • Embezzlement: This crime typically affects businesses or organizations, and involves taking money that has been entrusted to an individual and causing significant harm to that individual’s finances and reputation.
  • Credit card fraud: In CA it is unlawful to use another person’s credit card details to complete purchases or get cash. Usually, the victim experiences damage to their credit in addition to a significant cash loss.
  • Insurance fraud: The process of inflating or fabricating insurance claims to get disproportionate benefits. This can occasionally be achieved by staging incidents, inflating damages, or creating injuries—all of which cause insurers to suffer large financial losses.
  • Mortgage fraud: In transaction negotiations, this refers to the falsification or fabrication of information. Fraudulent property flipping, falsifying or misrepresenting mortgage application documentation, and inflating property values to secure denied loans are a few instances of this.
  • Tax evasion: This is taken in Ca as the use of illegal techniques, such as underreporting income, exaggerating deductions, or concealing assets, to evade paying taxes. Both people and companies face serious financial and legal consequences as a result of their acts.
  • Money laundering: Omitting the source of funds obtained through unlawful means. To create the appearance that the money has been received legally, this is occasionally achieved by transmitting it through trustworthy businesses or foreign banks.
  • Ponzi schemes: It’s a dishonest investment scheme in which the capital of newer investors is used to pay returns to older investors, giving the impression of prosperity but eventually causing the financial system to collapse.

Always keep a financial crime lawyer from Kareem Law APC to minimize your crime penalties and prison time.

It’s important to have an experienced lawyer on your side when you are facing financial crime charges in California. Such charges in the state might be intimidating. Money laundering, fraud, and embezzlement are among the financial crimes that Kareem Law APC specializes in protecting its customers from. Our Criminal defense attorney guarantees that you will get the finest defense possible, defending your rights and attempting to lessen fines and shorten jail terms. Our proficient financial crime lawyers are always working to give you the direction and support you require to successfully negotiate the intricacies of financial crime situations.


To ensure smooth and effective handling of your workers’ compensation claim coming from stressful workplace situations in California, it is always a prudent option to retain the legal services of a criminal defense attorney at Kareem Law APC. Our team of financial crime lawyers is dedicated to protecting your rights and getting great results. Call us at (888) 506-6519 to get more about Financial Crime.

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